Monday, March 10, 2008

daylight savings time...

We're taking advantage of this time of year where we lose an hour of sleep, but gain lots of light at the end of the day. It was so nice to come home tonight after working until 6pm (it's tax season, people), getting home around 7pm and STILL being able to go out and take a walk with my husband. Ah, yes. Even at 7:30pm, when we got back to the house, there was still plenty of daylight left.

And now, they've made so many roads throughout our neighborhood -- some are paved, some are not. We just went exploring tonight. They're building some different styled houses in another section of the neighborhood (Phase 3, no doubt), so we walked down that road to see how those were coming along. Houses are just "poppin' up all over" around here! Even our own street looks so much different than when we first moved in, with upwards of 10 houses now lining the road to our left (only the house to our left was there when we moved in and there were only a couple of lots being graded). Crazy.

Anyway, we're enjoying the daylight, some "together-time" and getting in shape, too. Our ten-year anniversary looms in the not-too-distant future and I suspect exciting things are coming...a trip, perhaps...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I LOVE Daylight Savings Time....wish we could just stay there! I know you will have a HUGE neighborhood when all is said and done....a great place to take a walk.
10years! Time is sure flying by. A trip....a trip????? exciting is that!