Monday, June 22, 2009

house decoration...

My good friend, Bekah, asked me to take photos at her daughter's first birthday party this past Saturday and she wanted to pay me, but I told her, "No way!" Instead, she got me this super-nice flag for our house, along with 3 others and the flag pole & attachment, too! It was WAY TOO MUCH but I was so excited to get this hung on the house! I thought the american flag one would be appropriate since we're only a couple weeks away from Independence Day.

Bekah & her husband, Adam, own a decorative flag company,, and they have so many really nice flags. They come in 2 different sizes and are really reasonably priced for how nice they are. Bekah had asked me to make a wish list (you should, too!) and from that, she picked out the 4 flags for me.

It was a pleasure to take photos for Addison's party and I didn't expect anything in return but I LOVE my flags! Thanks, Bekah!

Sunday, June 7, 2009

rock corner -- part I

Jeff began a project in the backyard last weekend. He decided that we needed a solution for the corner beside the patio where the rain just pours down onto the grass. We don't have gutters on the back of the house so in this one area when it rains, the grass and yard in general just looks bad.

He decided that he would spray and kill all the grass in an arched area, dig it up and put down river rock. We're thinking that maybe we can move the grill off the patio then and perhaps free up some space for sitting furniture, etc. At least that's what I'M thinking... :)

Here is what part I looks like of what we're calling the "rock corner":