Ha! I know you all were thinking I'd only be posting "cruise stuff" from here on out until we go, but we do have 7 more days (!) until we leave, people. I mean, come on...do you think that's ALL that's on my mind these days?? (Yes...you are correct in your assumption...)
I got an itch Friday night to start really going through the boxes we have still kicking around here and either do something with the stuff, or get rid of it. A lot of the stuff in the boxes is decorative stuff that I haven't decided where to put yet or am waiting on a piece of furniture to be built first (ahem, Jeff...) -- that sort of thing. But it occurred to me that we're less than 3 months away from our 1-year anniversary being in this house and I personally, think it's silly to have this many boxes sitting around with stuff still in them. I mean, really, how much can I actually need the "stuff" if I've been without it for almost a year?? So my goal this long weekend is to at least condense things down into less boxes (or even one box).
Having said that, another thing that's been kicking around here is the cabinet Jeff made me for the master bathroom at our other place. He did a fantastic job on it -- all I did was find a photo of what I wanted (with a few "tweaks" that he took note of) and he built it. He's really very handy with wood... :) Anyway, because we had it hanging in our bathroom in our other place, I naturally assumed we'd do the same in this house. Plus, we need all the storage we can get in our bathroom here since all we have is a couple drawers and the cabinet under the sink (I don't know why one has to have so much "bathroom stuff" to function, but we do...). However, there really isn't a place in our bathroom to hang this cabinet.
I finally came to that realization Friday and decided that we should hang it in the guest bathroom. I don't really need an extra cabinet in there since I do have the cabinet under the sink and a linen closet but I'd rather hang it in there (and let people admire --er, I mean, see my husband's handiwork) than not use it at all. So we did. Saturday afternoon. And I must say, I really like it. It makes the bathroom look more finished or something...more lived in? I don't know why -- no one really uses it unless we have guests. But that's okay. I really like the cabinet in there. And that's enough. What do you think?