Sunday, July 1, 2007

7 more weeks (officially)...

We have an official closing date! Friday, August 17, which is just under 7 weeks away. Jeff stopped at the house on Friday and that's when they told him. We both had a chance to get out to the house just today to take some photos and a video of the house with all the drywall mudded up - the first coat, anyway. They'll put the 2nd coat on this week and then move on to other stuff. It's really starting to look almost "done" to me...there are several other houses under construction around us and when a house gets to this stage (the mud on the walls that you can see as you drive by), then I say to myself, "Wow, that house is 'almost done'!" when, in fact, there is still a lot to be done before it's actually done. But they only have 7 weeks to do it! :) They actually only have 6 weeks because we'll do the "walk-through" the Friday before, August 10.

7 more weeks, folks. 7 more weeks of:

  • the dirt road...
  • nasty well water...
  • washing my dishes by hand...
  • the U-turn...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

7 weeks will go by fast, Honey Girl! You two will be in your new home before you know it! Uh....what's the U-turn???